Beginners Car Care - Coolant Change

Author: Josh   Date Posted:25 June 2023 

How to change your car coolant

Welcome to the sixth installment of our Beginners Car Care guides, where we break down simple auto maintenance jobs so you’re able to DIY install with our products and save yourself hundreds of dollars from a trip to your mechanic. Not everyone grew up with a grease monkey family member, so there are no stupid questions here. Today we’ll be covering one of the most important yet simple jobs you can complete on your vehicle, a coolant change. 

Maintaining the proper temperature of your vehicle's engine is crucial for its performance and longevity. Regularly changing your vehicle's coolant is a simple yet important maintenance task that any car owner can learn. This beginner's guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of changing your vehicle's coolant, ensuring your engine stays cool and running smoothly.


  1. New coolant: Refer to your vehicle's manual to determine the specific coolant COLOUR recommended by the manufacturer or check Nulon’s Lube Guide.

  2. Drain Pan: This container will collect the old coolant.

  3. Funnel: To pour the new coolant into the radiator.

  4. Safety gloves and goggles: Protect yourself from any potential splashes or spills.

Step 1: Preparation and Safety

To ensure your safety and the effectiveness of the coolant change, follow these precautions:

  • Park your vehicle on a flat surface and engage the parking brake.

  • Allow the engine to cool down completely. This is important, as working with hot coolant can cause severe burns.

  • Put on your safety gloves and goggles before proceeding.

Step 2: Locate the Radiator and Coolant Reservoir

Open the hood of your vehicle and familiarise yourself with the radiator and coolant reservoir. The radiator is usually located near the front of the engine, while the coolant reservoir can be found near the radiator or firewall. Consult your vehicle's manual if you're unsure about their locations.

Step 3: Draining the Old Coolant

Place the coolant catch pan beneath the radiator drain plug. With a socket set or wrench, loosen the drain plug until coolant starts to flow into the catch pan. Allow the old coolant to drain completely.

Step 4: Flushing the System (Optional)

If you want to perform a more thorough coolant change, consider flushing the system. Flushing helps remove any residual contaminants or debris. Follow the specific instructions in your vehicle's manual to perform a flush, if desired.

Step 5: Refilling with New Coolant

Replace the radiator drain plug and tighten it securely. Locate the coolant reservoir and remove its cap. Place a funnel in the reservoir opening and slowly pour the new coolant into it until the level reaches the "MAX" or "FULL" mark on the reservoir.

Step 6: Checking for Air Bubbles

After refilling the coolant, start the engine and let it run for a few minutes. This will help circulate the new coolant and remove any air bubbles. Keep an eye on the coolant level in the reservoir and add more if necessary.

Step 7: Finishing Touches

Once you are satisfied with the coolant level and there are no air bubbles, securely replace the coolant reservoir cap. Inspect the area around the radiator drain plug for any leaks. Wipe off any spills or splashes and ensure all caps and lids are tightly closed.

Step 8: Proper Disposal

Dispose of the old coolant responsibly by taking it to a recycling center or an authorized waste disposal facility. Never pour coolant down the drain, as it is toxic and harmful to the environment.


Regularly changing your vehicle's coolant is a simple maintenance task that helps keep your engine cool and running efficiently. By following this beginner's guide, you can confidently perform a coolant change, ensuring the longevity and optimal performance of your vehicle. Remember to consult your vehicle's manual for any specific instructions or recommendations, and always prioritize safety throughout the process.




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